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Last weekend, I was fortunate to attend an elite Invisalign users conference in Chicago. What an amazing company! They are always innovating and introducing new techniques and approaches to further perfect treatment results for our patients. So often the focus of Invisalign has been cosmetic in nature. As a dentist, I realize that the functional aspect – having straight teeth to improve chewing, decrease the wearing down of teeth, making teeth easier to clean, and improving overall comfort – is even more important.

Making one’s smile LOOK nicer is a really nice byproduct of these other things. I need to do a better job of addressing these functional issues with patients because I know that we can help a lot more people than we are currently. I can’t wait to get back to the office! 🙂

The group of dentists in attendance was outstanding, and we spent a lot of time comparing notes and evaluating cases together to learn from one another’s expertise. This one weekend will make my team even more proficient in getting results. Dentistry is SUCH a great profession because there are SO many ways for us to impact people’s lives!

Have a fantastic week!


Dr. Jim Arnold

Northwest Indiana Cosmetic, Family, Invisalign, and Sedation Dentistry

Smiles of Valparaiso & Associates

219-728-4433 (Chesterton)

219-246-2319 (Valparaiso)

Naperville Cosmetic, Family, and Invisalign Dentistry

Smiles By Dr. Gibson & Associates

630-357-3333 (Naperville)